Board Certified Physician Associate and Functional Medicine Health Consultant

Helping women regain their health and vitality through Functional Medicine!

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Meet Tina! 

Functional Medicine Health Consultant


As founder and CEO of Align Health & Vitality, I am involved in every aspect of a client's journey. From the moment a client inquires about support, to every step of their healing journey, and even if a client decides to continue with a maintenance program. I know first hand what it feels like to feel unseen, unheard, and told everything is fine when it really isn't. 

I had struggles for years before being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but even then no answers as to what was the actual root cause. Then an incidental finding on an MRI exam led to a diagnosis of a cancerous bone tumor in 2017. I had care and treatment for this, but I was still left with unanswered questions. 

Understanding that I needed to become my own health detective for answers, it opened up something I never knew about before, Functional Medicine. 

I have over twenty years experience in Conventional Medicine, fifteen of those years in direct patient care, but I still constantly continue my education. I continue to expand my knowledge with IFM and SAFM, and have also branched out to other specialties like Mold/Mycotoxins, and is Certified in Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, and Lyme Disease.

I am dedicated and compassionate, which stems from my commitment in helping others get answers to their health issues. Combining my knowledge in an Integrative Medicine approach I give clients the knowledge they need to improve their health and thrive. 

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